Bella had her two week appointment last week and it went very well! She is up to 7 lbs. 6 oz. now and seems to be very healthy! The doctor was very impressed with her overall! Unfortunately, we think Bella is dealing with some reflux issues. :( I have cut all dairy out of my diet which has seemed to help and mylanta seems to be helping as well! She is a champ at sleeping through the night...she literally sleeps 3-3 1/2 hours straight and then wakes up for a feeding and right back down until the next! That's my girl!! :) (By the way, I totally recommend Babywise!) She is a very alert baby during the day, always looking around at everything and everyone! We love her so much! Here are a few more pictures of our sweet daughter!
I had to show you these precious pictures of Bella in her Christmas dress she got from one of Kyle's co-workers!! (Thanks Rosie!) Look at those cute little feet!
I got to hold her Day 1. When Jo sees this picture she will demand to hold soon! Great report. Love you guys. Dave