On Kyle's birthday we went to eat at Paesanos (yum!) and Auntie Kate watched Bella for us! We had a great time celebrating, but as always were quick to get back home to our little girl! :) Here are some pictures we took before leaving!
Aunt Karen (reininger...there's are two aunt karens!) got Bella this sweet outfit! She got to go visit the Reininger family the other night for their "family night" so she got to wear it and show it off! She had such a great time...thank you for letting her hang out! Doesn't she make a cute little lady bug?!
I had my 6 week follow up appointment last week! I had really missed Dr. De la Garza. It was weird not seeing her for so long after seeing her every week towards the end of my pregnancy! By the way, I was so blessed to have her as my doctor...she is an angel! We love her so much! We took Bella with us to see her and I got some pictures so I thought I would share them with you! Meet Dr. De la Garza...
Bella took her first road trip last weekend to Abilene!! Auntie Kate went with us and drove for us (thank you!!)...we had so much fun! We went to Grammie and Auntie Amy's! They were so happy to see her. Bella got to meet Riley and Brady for the first time...he actually knew which one was Bella!! haha Bella also got to meet her Great-Granny, Tammi, Lisa, and Sandy! Ellie the dog thought Bella was pretty cool and always wanted to be right by her...so, we finally let her check her out!! pretty cute:) We had a great time and look forward to going back again soon.